1. (verb) to be far advanced, ahead, well gone, long gone, distant - usually followed by atu or mai.
Ka oti te takutaku ka tukua te teka kia rere, kātahi ka rere, whakaaweawe ki runga, aua rawa atu ki runga, kātahi anō ka ahu te uru o te teka ki te whenua, tau noa atu e toru tekau takoto te mataratanga i ā ētahi katoa (JPS 1925:313). / When he had completed the ritual chant he launched the dart and it flew a great distance upwards then the head of the dart turned toward the earth and it fell thirty takoto beyond all the others.
Pakū rawa ake ā rātau pū, kua aua atu kē ngā rererangi o te Tiamana (HP 1991:184). / When their guns finally went off, the Germans' aeroplanes were long gone.
See also ka/kua aua atu te wā, aua atu (rā)
Synonyms: pōpōroa