1. (verb) to pop, crackle.
Synonyms: whakapāhūhū, pahū, pākōkō, pakō
2. (noun) pop, crackle (e.g. kānga pāhūhū - popcorn).
Mehemea koutou, ngā mea tamariki kāore i te mōhio he aha te pāhūhū kānga, ki te haere koutou ki ngā toa kei reira ētahi mīhini. Ko te mahi a ngā mīhini nei, ka kuhuna atu ngā kānga ki roto i ngā mīhini kua whakapāhūhūtia mai e te mīhini (Wh4 2004:118). / If you young ones don't know what popcorn is, if you go to the shops there are some machines there. The job of these machines: the corn is put into the machines and it pops it.