1. (verb) to lie broadside on.
I tōna taenga atu ki te kāinga nei, kāore ia i āta whakaaroaro he kāinga hara, me āta mahia ki te ritenga Māori, me haere ki te wahi kino paeroa ai (JPS 1946:121). / When he reached this village, he had not given due regard that it was a village beset with tapu, and that he should have done the Māori ritual. He should have gone to the latrine, and there lain broadside on.
2. (stative) south-east.
3. (noun) range of hills, mountain range - particularly a long even ridge.
I tapaina e ia te whare kei Mangatangi ko Tamaoho, ā, nāna i peitatia ai ki runga ki tētehi kānawehi rahi tonu nei ngā kōrero mō Tamaoho, me tōna hekenga mai i onamata i Maungakiekie mā te paeroa o Hūnua ki te rohe o Mangatangi (TTR 1996:47). / At Mangatangi she named the house Tamaoho, and had a great canvas painted telling the story of Tamaoho, and the migration of Ngāti Tamaoho long before from One Tree Hill through the Hunua Range into the Mangatangi area.
Synonyms: pae maunga
4. (noun) wind that blows along the shore.