2. (noun) dark grey stone, basalt.
Ka tere mātao te tokarewa, ā, ka hua mai he toka matarehu pērā i te ōnewa, te tokapata me te tūhua (RP 2009:406). / The magma cools quickly and fine-grained rocks like basalt, granite and obsidian are produced.
3. (noun) short weapon made of dark grey stone.
Nō te taenga mai ka takoto ngā taonga, te parawai, te kaitaka, te kākahu-kura, he nui te taonga, he nui hoki te kaitaka harakeke nei, me ngā patu e rua, kotahi te patu he mere, he akerautangi tētahi, he ōnewa tētahi, ko Oneone te ingoa; ko te Haemata te mere akerautangi rā (JPS 1927:254). / On arrival the gifts were laid out, the fine cloaks of flax fiber and red-feather cloaks, many articles, including many mats and two weapons, one being a wooden mere of akerautangi wood, the other a dark grey stone weapon, the name of which was Oneone, that of the wooden weapon being the Haemata.