1. (noun) light soil, light soil lacking substance.
Ka ui mai a Tamatea, “Pēwhea ake te tuawhenua?” Ka mea atu a Ngātoro', "He one-tai ētahi wāhi, he one-matua ētahi wāhi, he one-tuatara, he paraumu, he one-rere, he one-punga, he one-haruru, he one-puia, he one-kirikiri, he one-pōwhatu, he one-takataka, ētahi wāhi." (JPS 1915:1). / Tamatea asked, “What kind of land is this?” Ngātoro' replied, “It is good, some parts are alluvial soils, some parts are loamy soils, others stiff brown soils, others dark friable soils, free draining soils, light spongy soils, light sandy soils, red volcanic soils, gravelly soils, stony soils, and some parts are friable soils.”