taihoa pea ka/kua
1. will probably - an idiom sometimes used to indicate that something is likely to happen.
Tokorua kei te hohipera i Nēpia, taihoa pea ka hoki ki te kainga ki te whakaako i ngā wāhine Māori ki te tiaki i ā rātou tamariki, ki te nānā hoki i ngā tūroro (TP 4/1904:7). / There are two people at the hospital in Napier, and they will probably return home to train the Māori women to care for their children and to nurse the patients.
E mōhio ana tātou, ki te waiho i konei tō tātou ngākaunui, tō tātou manawanui ki tō tātou reo, taihoa pea kua tata manawa kiore ko te reo Māori e mōhio nei tātou (HM 4/1995:4). / We know that if our commitment and dedication to our language is left at this, then the Māori language that we know will probably be at death's door.