1. (personal noun) the crew of this canoe from Hawaiki are claimed as ancestors by Te Whakatōhea and Ngāti Porou.
(Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 31;)
Ko 'Nukutere' te waka o Porourangi, arā, o tōna tupuna o Whironui, me tana wahine, me Ārai-ara, ngā tohunga o runga, ko Takataka-putonga, ko Marere- o-tonga, he tokomaha anō ngā tāngata o runga (TW 26/4/1875:77). / 'Nukutere' is the canoe of Porourangi, namely of his ancester Whironui and his wife, Ārai-ara. Takataka-putonga and Marere-o-tonga were the skilled persons on board, along with many other people on board.