1. (verb) to be angry, violent, pugnacious, aggressive, belligerent, bellicose, antagonistic.
Nā e kore e pai kia ririhau te pononga a te Ariki; engari kia ngāwari ki ngā tāngata katoa, kia whai ngākau ki te whakaako, kia manawanui (PT 2Timoti 2:24). / And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient.
2. (modifier) angry, violent, pugnacious, aggressive, belligerent, bellicose, antagonistic.
I taua wā ko Te Kooti te kaiārahi o tētahi rōpū ririhau (TTR 1994:83). / At that time Te Kooti was the leader of a belligerent group.
Synonyms: pukungangare
3. (noun) anger, violence, pugnaciousness, aggression, belligerence, antagonism.
Ka kitea te ririhau i taua hanga, te taukumekume, te takaokeoke, te whakatioro i ngā taringa i te pararētanga (KO 16/5/1882:1). / The belligerence from that group was seen, the arguing, the scuffling, and the noise from their yelling.