1. (verb) to wander, roam about.
Ki taua Ture ka kitea te tangata e paoke rere noa ana i te whenua, e noho ana rānei i ngā kāinga Māori kāore e mohiotia tōna mahi e ora ai ia, me kawe ki te whare herehere whakamahi ai i roto i te takiwa kaore e pahika atu i te toru marama (TWM 5/3/1868:2). / According to that Law when a person roams the land, or lives in Māori homes and it's not known what his work is that enables him to live, he must be taken to prison to work in the area for no more than three months.
Synonyms: tipitipi, tipi haere, tipitipi haere, whakatīhohe