1. (verb) to be forlorn, miserable, unhappy, bereft, disconsolate.
Uaua ana tana whakaū i āna mahi minita ki te rohe o Ākarana i te kiriweti o te pīhopa o taua rohe ki a ia. Pākatokato ana hoki te mamae ki a rātou ko tōna iwi (TTR 1998:131). / It was difficult for him to fulfil his episcopal duties in the Auckland area because the bishop of that region was hostile to him. He and his people were unhappy about this.
Synonyms: poururu, whakapōuri, tūreikura
2. (modifier) forlorn, miserable, unhappy, bereft, disconsolate, grief-stricken.
Kāore hoki e te aroha pākatokato ana te pānga mai ki roto rā (HKW 1/6/1901:2). / How great is the grief-stricken affection that strikes within.
3. (noun) anguish, suffering, distress.
Ko ō tātau whakapono ngā kaiwehewehe i a tātau. Ko ō tātau moemoeā me ō tātau pākatokato ngā kaiwhakakotahi i a tātau (Milroy 2016). / Ideologies separate us. Dreams and anguish bring us together (Milroy 2016).