2. (interjection) come - followed by mai is sometimes used to introduce a suggestion.
E taku reta, nau mai haere ki te kawe i taku aroha nui ki tōku kōkā, ki a Warihia (TPH 30/6/1900:2). / O my letter, come and convey my great affection for my mother, Warihia.
3. (interjection) welcome - with mai, a call of welcome.
Nau mai rā, e Pēhi, te kaumātua i whakangaua ki te paepae o te mātauranga ki te 'mita' o te reo o ngā koeke kua huri atu ki te uru (TTT 1/6/1922:14). / Welcome Mr Best, you are the elder who was initiated into the knowledge and language of the elders who have turned to the west.
See also nau mai