1. (modifier) whakapapa traced through two iwi lines.
Engari mēnā e hoki mai ana koe i te whakapapa taotahi, ā, e pai ana tērā hei hoatu ki ā tātau tamariki, ki ā tātau mokopuna. Engari atu i tērā, kaua e kōhikohiko te whakapapa, kaua e whaiwhai i te taha whakarua, engari me noho tonu ki te āhua o tāu e hiahia ana ki te whaiwhai atu (Milroy 2015). / But if you are returning to recite genealogy in a single line of descent, that's suitable to give to our children and grandchildren. But apart from that, don't recite genealogy in a selective way by not following a single line of descent, and don't follow lines of descent from two tribes, but stay to the aspect that you are wanting to follow.
2. (noun) hollow, depression, valley.
3. (noun) change.
Nā me hoatu e ahau ētahi kākahu rīnena ki a koutou, kia toru tekau, kia toru tekau anō ngā whakarua mō ngā kākahu (PT Kaiwhakariterite 14:12). / Then I will give you thirty sheets and thirty change of garments.