1. (noun) sandfly of various species, black flies, Austrosimulium spp. - tiny, blackish, hump-backed, biting insects. The females need to suck blood for their eggs to mature.
(Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 58-59;)
Ka kī te waeroa ki tōna taina, ki te namu, 'Me waiho kia ahiahi ka haere ai tāua hei wheowheo taringa, hei hohō taringa.' (W 1971:54) / The mosquito said to its junior relation, the sandfly, 'We should wait until it's evening and then go to hum and buzz the ears.'
2. (noun) vagina, female genitals, vulva.
Ko te whakaputanga o te tamaiti i te namu o te whaea ki te aotūroa (W 1971:217). / The progressive movement of the child through the vagina of the mother into the enduring world.