1. (verb) (-a) to grope, feel after, push one's way through (bushes, etc.).
Ka mataku ia, ko ia anake kei reira e rima tekau mano hoariri kei kō tata atu i ngā parepare. Kātahi ia ka oma, ka muhu haere i roto i te taru, i te toe (THM 1/3/1886:7). / He was scared as he was the only one there and just beyond the fortification wall were fifty thousand of the enemy. Then he fled, pushing his way through in the vegetation and sedges.
2. (verb) to be overgrown.
Nā ka kīia ēnā huarahi kua muhua, kua ururuatia (W 1971:213). / Now those paths were said to be overgrown with vegetation.
3. (verb) incorrect, faulty, flawed (of carving).
Kāore i puta ngā piko, i muhu noa iho (W 1971:213). / The curves didn't come out, they were flawed.
4. (modifier) overgrown.
Ko wai ka kite atu i te mutunga mai o te ara muhu? (RK 1994:44). / Who can see the end of an overgrown path?
5. (modifier) stupid, untaught, uneducated.
He muhu taua tangata - kāore he take mō tā tātou mahi. / That man is stupid - he's no use for our work.