2. (modifier) steeped in water, fermented in water.
Otirā, tērā anō tērā pūtake mate, tōna taunga kei a katoa, kei ngā tāne, kei ngā wāhine, kei ngā tamariki, koia hoki ko te kai i te kānga pirau, i te rīwai pirau, arā, i te kānga kōpūwai, i te rīwai kōtero (MM.TKM 15/9/1859:1). / But there is another cause of sickness which affects all, men, women, and children and that is eating rotten corn and of rotten potatoes, or corn and potatoes that have been steeped in water.
3. (noun) food steeped in water, food fermented in water.
Mā koutou, mā ngā rangatira e whakakino, e whakakāhore ngā kōpūwai katoa (MM.TKM 15/9/1859:5). / You, the chiefs, can denounce and abolish all food fermented in water.