1. (verb) (-ngia,-tia) to squeeze, press together, squash.
Kei kōpēpē ngā rau o te tupeka, i te mea hoki ka kōpēpē aua rau, ka kino te tupeka, ka hē te tupeka (TW 14/4/1877:133). / Don't squeeze the leaves of the tobacco, because when those leaves are squashed the tobacco is damaged and ruined.
Synonyms: kōpē
2. (modifier) crushed, squeezed, pressed.
I te tau 1953 ko ngā hua o te hoko rākau kōpēpē me te pepa ki ērā atu whenua i eke ki £176,682 (TAH 28:4). / In 1953 the value of export sales of pulp and paper reached £176,682.