1. (verb) to lie curled up.
I kitea ai tēnei mahi, kei te hahunga o ngā wheua o te tūpāpaku, ka kitea, ko te takoto a te tūpāpaku i roto i te kāwhena kua huri kē te kanohi ki raro, me ngā kākahu kua kino te takoto, me ngā ringaringa, me ngā waewae kua koromeke noa iho, mōhiotia ana i tanumia oratia (KO 15/1/1886:6). / This behaviour was discovered when the bones of the deceased were exhumed and it was seen that the body lay in the coffin and the face had turned downwards, the clothes lay badly and the arms and legs had curled up, so it was known that the person was buried alive.
2. (modifier) curled up, coiled up.
Nā te noho koromeke, ko ngā turi o te tangata ka tino rongo i te mahana (HM 2/1990:3). / By sitting curled up a person's knees can really feel the warmth.