1. (verb) to be untamed, unaccustomed, timid, reclusive, wild, barbaric, uncivilsed, savage.
Hei ētahi wā ka tukua ēnei hōiho kia mohoao, ko tētahi tāriana me tana māpu uwha (Te Ara 2016). / Sometimes these horses can go wild, a stallion with its herd of mares.
Synonyms: mohowao
2. (modifier) untamed, unaccustomed, timid, reclusive, wild, barbaric, uncivilsed, savage.
He tamaiti ātaahua a Arapata, he mōhio ki te mau patu, he kaiaka ki te patu kurī mohoao (TW 6/7/1878:337). / Albert was a handsome boy who knew how to wield weapons and kill wild animals.
3. (noun) barbarian, hermit, recluse, savage.
Ki te Kariki, ko ētahi atu iwi he mohoao (TTT 1/12/1931:67). / To the Greeks, other ethnic groups were barbarians.
Synonyms: moke