atua whiowhio
1. (noun) railway train, steam engine, locomotive, train.
Nā ka kite anō iho aku kanohi i muri i a au e makenu ana te pāwhatitanga o te huarahi o te atua whiowhio haere o te Pākehā (Redemption Songs 1995:277). / My eyes will see after you traces of the broken branches on the pathway of the travelling railway train of the Pākehā.
Synonyms: tima rerewē
2. (noun) whistling atua.
Ko ngā whakamārama a te Pākehā mō ngā atua whiowhio, mō ngā atua kōrero o te Māori, ko te mahi a te Pākehā e huri nei, e panga nei i te reo, arā he 'ventriloquism' (TKO 12/5/1918:8). / The Pākehā explanation for the 'atua whiowhio', the speaking atua of the Māori, is the practice of the Pākehā to transform, to throw one's voice, which is called ventriloquism.