



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (modifier) moa - large extinct flightless birds of nine subspecies.

E kīia ana, ka nui ngā iwi moa kua kitea ki Timaru i Te Waipounamu (TW 2/3/1878:100). / It is reported that many moa bones have been discovered at Timaru in the South Island.

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2. (noun) moa - large extinct flightless birds of nine subspecies endemic to Aotearoa/New Zealand.

Titiro ana ngā Pākehā ki te nui o aua takahanga, me te mataratanga o te hīkoinga. Ka mea rātou, he moa pea i roto i ngā awa kōwhatu o taua whenua e noho ana (TH 1/7/1861:4). / The Pākehā looked at the size of those footprints and the length of the strides. They said that there were probably moa living in the rocky valleys of that land.

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