1. (noun) miro, brown pine, Prumnopitys ferruginea - a coniferous tree of lowland forest, with curved leaves arranged in two rows. Pinkish-purple berries are eaten by kererū.
He nui anō ngā rākau nunui i taua wā, he tōtara, he rimu, he kahika, he mataī, he miro, he kauri me ngā rākau pakupaku, he patatē, he hinahina he kaikōmako te paunga o te ngahere i te ahi (HTK 20/1/1894:5). / There were many giant trees at that time, tōtara, rimu, kahikatea, mataī, miro and kauri, with the small trees, patatē, whiteywood and kaikōmako, which were all destroyed in the fire.
Synonyms: toromiro