1. (verb) to give prominence to, highlight (text), emphasise.
Nāna i miramira ngā painga o te whakaakoranga Pākehā e tuku rā kia ōrite te kaha o te Māori ki te tātāwhāinga ki tērā o te Pākehā (TTR 1994:96). / He emphasised the advantages of a European teaching methods in allowing Māori children to compete equally with Europeans.
2. (verb) to be red hot.
Ka roa te kainga a te ahi, nā, miramira kau ana te rino (W 1971:202). / After being in the fire for a long time the iron was red hot.
3. (modifier) bold (of print, etc.).
Ko te kīwaha tonu te mea tuatahi e noho miramira mai ana ki te pae tuatahi (HKK 1999:9). / The idiom itself is the first thing sitting in bold on the first line.
4. (noun) uvula - the fleshy extension at the back of the soft palate which hangs above the throat.
Kei roto i te korokoro tō miramira e tāwerewere ana (W 1971:202). / Your uvula hangs down in the throat.