pito whakararo
1. (noun) northern end.
He tangata tino whakarae a ia nō roto o Ngāti Kahungunu ki te takiwā ki Te Wairoa, i te pito whakararo o Te Matau-a-Māui, i ngā tau potapotae o te tīmatanga o te rau tau rua ngahuru (TTR 1996:193). / He was a very prominent figure among Ngāti Kahungunu in the Wairoa district, at the northern end of Hawke's Bay, around the beginning of the twentieth century.
Synonyms: pito raki
2. (noun) bottom end.
He maimoa tērā manu i te pito whakararo o te taki (Te Ara 2015). / The bird at the bottom of the pole is a decoy (Te Ara 2015).