1. (noun) banishment, expulsion, eviction, ejection, removal.
Nāna hoki, nā Patuone, i whakaora ngā Mihinere i Whangaroa, i te peinga mai i reira e tērā nanakia rawa, e Hongi (MM.TKM 1/9/1855:30). / It was he, Patuone, who rescued the missionaries at Whangaroa when they were driven from that place by the scoundrel Hongi.
Synonyms: whakawātea
2. (noun) displacement.
Ki te kuhunga he mea ki rō wē, ka panaia ki rahaki tētahi wāhanga o taua wē. Ka kīia tēnei āhuatanga ko te peinga o te wē (RP 2009:323). / If an object is put into liquid, some of the liquid is pushed aside. This phenomenon is called displacement of the liquid (RP 2009:323).