2. (verb) to wane (of the moon).
Tērā te kōrero mō Māui i tono ki a Hine-nui-te-pō kia whakaaetia te tangata kia mate pērā i te marama, arā, ka marewa te marama, ā, ka roroku, ka marewa anō, ā haere ake (Te Ara 2015). / There is the story about Māui asking Hine-nui-te-pō to let humans die like the moon, that is to wane and then rise again, going on forever.
3. (noun) waning, declining.
Kōrero ai ōna ingoa a Hina-te-ao, a Hina-te-pō, a Hina-keha, a Hinauri, mō te hua me te roroku o te marama (Te Ara 2015). / The terms Hina-te-ao (female light) and Hina-te-pō (female dark) and Hina-keha (pale moon) and Hinauri (dark moon) refer to the waxing and waning moon (Te Ara 2015).