1. (noun) prostitution.
Nō te taenga mai o te Pākehā i ngā rautau e rua ki mua, kua whakaurua te kairautanga, ā, kua panonitia ngā āria ai a te Māori (Te Ara 2015). / With the arrival of the Pākehā in the previous two centuries, prostitution was introduced, and it changed Māori sexual attitudes.
Synonyms: mahi kairau
2. (noun) fornication, whoredom.
Kua kairau anō koe ki ngā Īhipiana, ki ōu hoa tata, he hunga kikokiko nui; whakamaha ana e koe tōu kairautanga, hei whakapātaritari i ahau (PT Ehekiera 16:26). / Thou hast also committed fornication with the Egyptians thy neighbors, great of flesh; and hast increased thy whoredoms, to provoke me to anger.