1. (modifier) north-east.
I hokoa tēnei kaipuke e ia hei whakakotahi i ngā iwi o Rarotonga me ērā atu motu o te Moana Mārie, ki te taha pāwhakarua o Niu Tīreni (TKM 27/6/1863:2). / He has purchased this ship to enable him to unite the people of Rarotonga with those other islands of the Pacific Ocean to the north-east of New Zealand.
Synonyms: whakarua, rāwhiti-mā-raki, marangai-mā-raro, kārapu, raki-mā-rāwhiti
2. (noun) north-east wind, north-easterly.
Ka pā te karanga, "Ē, ka wera! Ka wera! Ka wera te tāone!" E kaha ana te hau i taua wā, he pāwhakarua (MM.TKM 29/7/1858:1). / The call went out, "It's burning! It's burning! The town is burning!" The wind, a north-easterly, was strong at that time.
Synonyms: whakarua, pākihiroa, hau mākato, marangai-mā-raro, rangaranga te muri