1. (noun) mataī, black pine, Prumnopitys taxifolia - a coniferous, long-lived native tree of lowland forest with small, narrow leaves arranged in two rows, hammer-marked trunk and pale timber. Ripe seed is a deep blue-black with a pale purplish bloom.
He nui anō ngā rākau nunui i taua wā, he tōtara, he rimu, he kahika, he mataī, he miro, he kauri me ngā rākau pakupaku, he patatē, he hinahina he kaikōmako te paunga o te ngahere i te ahi (HTK 20/1/1894:5). / There were many giant trees at that time, tōtara, rimu, kahikatea, mataī, miro and kauri, with the small trees, patatē, whiteywood and kaikōmako, which were all destroyed in the fire.