



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (stative) be of low status.

2. (noun) commoner.

Ka kī a Tamahae, " E, taku taiaha ka hē ki te marahea!" " E tā, he marahea hoki au! Ko au rā tēnei ko Kurī Teko." (TP 3/1911:9). / Tamahae said, "My taiaha is wasted on a person of such lowly status!" "Sir, am I indeed a commoner! This is me Kurī Teko."

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3. (noun) fry of the yellow-eye mullet, young of Aldrichetta forsteri - silvery fish with greenish-to-bluish tinge or olive-grey on back, pale yellow tinge below. Body elongated and cylindrical with pointed head and snout. Two dorsal fins. Common in sheltered estuaries and harbours.

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