1. (location) a location on the banks of the Pūniu river west of Te Awamutu regarded as the centre of the Tainui territory.
Kei te pepeha nei ngā whakamārama mō ngā whenua o ngā iwi o Tainui: Mōkau ki runga, Tāmaki ki raro, Mangatoatoa ki waenganui, ko Pare Waikato, ko Pare Hauraki, ko te Kaokaoroa-o-Pātetere (Te Ara 2011). / The lands of the Tainui tribes are described in the saying: Mōkau above, Tāmaki below, Mangatoatoa in the centre, and there is Pare Waikato, Pare Hauraki, and the extended arm of Pātetere.