1. (verb) to be apprehensive, anxious.
Ka haere ngā tau. Haere nei, haere nei, nāwai ā ka oho haere anō tō rātou maunga, ka puhapuha, ka oioi, e mānakanaka ai te iwi (HJ 2015:209). / The years passed. On and on, and eventually their mountain awoke, erupting and shaking causing the people to become anxious.
2. (noun) anxiety, concern, worry, apprehension, unease, disquiet.
Inā i whērā katoa ngā iwi i kaha nei te ngaro o te reo arā kē noa atu te ora mai, ā, kua kore i kaha te pā mai o te mānakanaka, o te mānatunatu kei kore e ora ā kō tonu ake nei (HM 3/1997). / If all the tribes that were losing the language had done that it would have been saved long ago and the anxiety that it would not survive into the future would not have been so great.
Kua uru kē mai te mānakanaka ki roto i a au mō te āhua o te tū ki mua i te kuia nei tuku ai i aku mihi ki a ia (HM 4/2009:1). / I had already become anxious about standing before this elderly lady to pay my respects to her.