



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (stative) be distant, far away.

Kīhei rāua i takitaro ki roto ki te pātiki nei ka kitea mai rāua e tētahi pūru i mamao noa atu (TKO 12/2/1919:7). / They weren't long in the paddock when they were seen by a bull some distance away.

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2. (modifier) distant.

Kāhore ia rātou i kite i tā rāua tamaiti i mua - nō te mea i haere atu hoki rātou ki te whenua mamao me te roa o tā rātou noho ki reira (KO 15/5/1883:16). / But they didn't see their child before that because they went to a distant country and lived there a long time.

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3. (location) a distant place.

He pua e rere i te hau, ka rere atu ki mamao (TP 1/1/1901:9). / A bloom blown in the wind, drifting to a distant place.

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4. (noun) distance.

Hoe atu ana mātou ki tētahi wāhi o te toka, kīhai i kotahi māero te mamao mai i te motu (TTT 1/9/1926:464). / We rowed to another part of the rock which was less than a mile distance from the island.

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