2. (modifier) cold.
I mahara rātou he whenua makariri a Poneke, ina hoki kua mate noa atu rātou i te makariri ki Ākarana (KO 16/11/1885:5). / They thought that Wellington was a cold place because they had felt the cold in Auckland.
3. (noun) cold, coldness.
Ko wai e pai ki tēnā kāinga hōrakerake? He nui te makariri (W 1971:59). / Who would like that exposed home? It's very cold.
4. (noun) winter.
He tau e pai ana te whai a te koanga i muri o te makariri, a te raumati i muri o te koanga, a te ngahuru i muri o te raumati (TP 6/1910:2). / Normally in a year spring follows winter, summer follows spring, and autumn follows summer.