kuru pounamu
1. (noun) ornament of greenstone.
Ka rawe te iwi rangatira e noho rā, ka oti te whakakākahu ki ngā kākahu rangatira, he aurei katoa te here o ngā kākahu. Ko Tapuae, he paepaeroa, ko te māhiti ki waho. Kitea te nui o te aurei, o te kuru pounamu ki runga ki te pakihiwi o Tapuae, te here o ngā kākahu o te māhiti, me te wahine a Tapuae, he wahine rangatira hoki, he kākahu kiwi te kākahu, me ngā kōtore huia te rākai ki tahi taha, ki tahi taha, o te māhuna, ko te tiki ki te poho, ko ngā tautau tongarerewa ki tahi pakihiwi, ki tahi (TP 9/1908:3). / The aristocratic folk were gorgeous as they sat decked out in their grand clothes all fastened with ivory pins. There was Tapuae with a paepaeroa and a māhiti over it. An abundance of ivory pins and greenstone ornaments could be seen on Tapuae's shoulder, fastening his garments and his māhiti. His wife too, a well-born woman, was wearing a kiwi cloak, with tail feathers of the huia adorning both sides of her head, a tiki on her breast, and quite a cluster of greenstone drops on each shoulder.