1. (noun) gumdiggers' soap, golden Tainui, kūmarahou, Pomaderris kumeraho - a native shrub with alternating, blue-green leaves on top and undersides pale with protruding veins. Flowers are creamy yellow in large, fluffy clusters. The whole plant is covered in a soft mat of hair. Found north of Bay of Plenty and Kāwhia.
Synonyms: kūmara rau nui, pāpapa
2. (noun) pale-flowered kūmarahou, Pomaderris hamiltonii - a rare shrub to 4m tall with soft oval pointed leaves which have prominent veins on the underside and sprays of pale cream flowers. Leaves 5-6.5cm long by 2-3cm wide, tip pointed, with white star-shaped hairs underneath. Fruit dry, small.
3. (noun) koheriki, Scandia rosifolia - prostrate or scrambling shrub with woody stems at the base and 2-5 pairs of leaflets arranged along each side of a midrib.Leaflets have no stem, distinct veins and are finely serrate. Flowers numerous and have white petals. Found north of Taranaki and Napier.
4. (noun) tāwheowheo, Quintinia serrata - a small bushy tree of the North Island with pointed oval leaves. The mottled leaves have wavy, shallowly serrated margins. Favours shady places, steep slopes and banks.
See also tāwheowheo
Synonyms: tāwheowheo