1. (verb) to be nil, nothing, not a thing.
Ka kārangaranga haere tonu tō mātau māmā, korekore ana (HP 1991:19). / Our mother continued calling, but there was nothing.
Synonyms: korekore ana (nei), pākorehā, aha, kore noa iho, kore, karekau, kāore kau
2. (noun) sterile, depression, time of scarcity, vacuum.
I taua wā kei te kaha te ngau o te korekore, ā, ko tā rāua mahi nei ko tana wahine he whāngai i ngā tāngata paoe mau tueke (TTR 2000:35). / At that time the depression was at its worst and he and his wife fed many ‘swaggies’.