2. (verb) to flinch, hesitate, waver, be indecisive.
Kei kōrapa! E rere te mānuka, tomokia! Kaua e kōrapa! (TWMNT 10/5/1874:116). / Don't hesitate! When the challenge goes out, attack it! Do not flinch!
3. (stative) be misaligned, twisted, bent, warped, askew.
Kīhai i tirohia e ngā kaimahi, hanga tonu ana rātou i tō rātou whare, kake ana te mahi ki runga, me te takoto hē anō ngā pereki katoa i hangā ki runga ki te mea i kōrapa kē (TH 1/11/1861:4). / The workers did not notice, they continued building their house and the work progressed upwards with all the bricks being laid incorrectly on the one which was misaligned.
4. (noun) long handled net for taking fish or birds.
Ko te kōrapa mō te mahi i te toutouwai me ētahi atu manu. Ka pinea te kōrapa ki te whenua. Ka whiua haerehia he mōunu ki ngā taha – he noke, he huhu, he kākano. Tau mai ana te toutouwai ka kūmea te taura kia taupokina te manu e te kōrapa (Te Ara 2014). / The kōrapa net was used to catch robins and other birds. It was pegged onto the ground, and bait – worms, huhu grubs or berries – was scattered beside it. When robins arrived, the string was pulled and the net landed on the bird.
5. (noun) two-pronged spit (for roasting).
I a Kahutore te kōrapa tunu kai (W 1971:140). / Kahutore had the two-pronged spit for roasting food.