2. (verb) (-a,-hia,-ngia,-tia) to dunk, drench, soak.
Kua kōpiroa te tamaiti e tōna tuakana (W 1971:137). / The child was dunked by his older brother.
3. (modifier) steeped in water to cause fermentation.
Tērā atu anō ētahi kai a te Māori, te kōuka, te pikopiko, te tuna, te kōtero, te taro - kāore aku kupu mō ēnei - engari me whakahua ake pea e au te kānga wai, te kānga kōpiro (TKO 30/6/1919:7). / There are other foods of the Māori, cabbage tree shoots, fern shoots, eel, fermented potatoes and taro - I have nothing to say about these - but perhaps I should mention corn steeped in water, fermented maize.
4. (modifier) drenching.
E toru ngā rā o te ua kōpiro i a mātau (Ng 1993:113). / For three days we had drenching rain.