1. (verb) to go alternatively in opposite directions, go back and forth, meander, wander, ramble.
Ko ngā tāngata haere kai te kōpiko noa mai ki Whanganui, hoki atu, hoki mai (TWM 1/3/1867:5). / The people travelling go backwards and forwards to Whanganui.
Synonyms: hāereere, kōpikopiko, whakatīhake, kaipaoe, murakehu, ātiutiu, ngau, whakatīhohe, kaipāwe
2. (modifier) winding.
He ara kōpiko e piki ake ana ki te tihi o te puke. / A winding path climbs to the top of the hill.
3. (modifier) curved, curvilinear.
He āhua ahu-toru te rango, he porowhita te āhua kei ia pito, ā, he mata kōpiko e hono ana i ēnei porowhita e rua (RTA 2014:146). / The cylinder is a three-dimensional shape, circular at each end and a curved surface joins these two circular ends.
4. (noun) curve.
Kāore te kōpiko i torotika. Ka pā tēnei āhuatanga ki te rārangi, ki te mata anō hoki (TRP 2010:156). / A curve is a line or a surface which is not straight (TRP 2010:156).