1. (location) this place, here (near or connected with the speaker) - a location word, or locative, which follows immediately after particles such as ki, i, hei and kei or is preceded by a when used as the subject of the sentence.
(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 121; Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 24;)
See also koneki
2. (location) this time.
I konei, kua oma ki waho ki te tiki pana kahikātoa hei kanohi, he karamu hei ihu, he kōnēnē hei pito mō tana tekoteko (TWK 23:3). / At this point, she ran outside to get tea tree berries for the eyes, karamu berries for the nose and a māwhai berry as the tummy button for the human figure.