1. (stative) be young (of people, birds and animals).
He epeepe tonu nei rāua, ā, i te wā e kōhungahunga tonu ana i puta ai te whakahau a wō rāua tūpuna tāne rā, kia taumautia rāua i runga anō i te tikanga o te tomo (TTR 2000:68-69). / They were distant cousins and when they were still quite young their grandfathers decreed that they be betrothed under the customary practice of betrothal.
2. (noun) infant, young, fledgling.
Kia kaha te tūpato me te tiaki i ngā kōhungahunga kia tupu kaha ai, kia tupu ora ai (TKO 30/4/1920:4). / Be energetic in cautioning and looking after the young people so that they grow up strong and healthy.