1. (loan) (noun) guitar.
He taonga puoro autangi te kitā e tino whakamahia ana i ngā momo puoro maha o ēnei rā. E ono ngā aho o te nuinga, ā, ka puta tōna reo i te raraku, i te katokato, i te pākuru rānei i ngā aho (RTP 2015:60). / The guitar is a type of stringed instrument which is widely used in contemporary music. Most have six strings and the sound is produced by strumming, plucking or hitting the strings.(RTP 2015:60).
…e whakatangi kē mai ana rānei ia i te piana, i te pūkumekume, i te ukurere me te kitā atu hoki (TTR 2000:96). / …or he played the piano, the trombone, the ukulele and the guitar.