1. (noun) puppet, marionette, jumping jack, robot - figure carved in human form with arms that move by pulling a string.
Ko te keretao he taonga tākaro nā ngā tamariki o neherā. He aho te kaiwhakatākaro i ngā keretao nei. Waihoki, ko te āhua o te ako o te reo i ēnei wā e mahi noa atu ana tēnā tohunga o te reo, ā, ko ngā kaipupuri i ngā aho hei whakakanikani i ngā māhita ko Te Tari o Ngā Kura, ko ngā tumuaki o ngā kura, ko ngā poari o ngā kura, ko ngā whare wānanga, arā, ki te kōrero a te Pākehā, ko Tame, ko Tiki, me Hare (H 1992:35). / The keretao was a play thing of children in ancient times. The manipulator of the keretao had strings. Well, teaching the language is also like that these days as there is the language expert doing the job and the people that hold the strings that make the teachers dance are the Department of Education, the school boards and the universities, in other words, as the Pākehā says, every Tom Dick and Harry.
See also karetao
Synonyms: korotao, karetao, tokoraurape