1. (modifier) intensely, exceedingly, extremely, very - an intensive used with pōuri, pōuriuri, pango and pō, e.g. pōuri kerekere.
Aoake, kua pō kerekere te rangi mai i Rotorua ki Maketū – ko te ngārahu tērā i rukea ki runga. I taupokina katoatia a Rotomahana me ngā tūāpapa (Te Ara 2015). / The following day it was pitch black from Rotoiti to Maketū – ash choked the skies. Lake Rotomahana and the terraces were all covered.
Kātahi anō hoki mātou ka mātakitaki ki a mātou anō. He rerekē tēnā iwi, tēnā iwi, he mā, he pango kerekere, ā he rerekē noa atu ētahi (HKW 1/11/1902:2). / And then we finally looked at ourselves. Each ethnic group was different, some were white, some very black, and others were quite different.