



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) to quack (as a duck).

Kēkē kau ana te pārera (W 1971:112). / The duck quacks.

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2. (noun) armpit.

Ka kowhera te uira i roto i ngā kēkē o Tāwhaki (NM 1928:45). / The lightening burst forth from inside the armpits of Tāwhaki.

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3. (noun) area under the wing of a bird at the place where the wing is attached to the body.

Ko te pōhoi taringa nō te huruhuru maheni o te kēkē o te toroa (TTT 1/9/1924:s4). / The feather ornament for the ear is of smooth feathers from under the wing of the albatross.

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