1. (noun) stern (of a boat or canoe).
Nā, ka mahia te waka, koirā ngā toki i tāraia ai te waka, ā ka oti te tārai te haumi, te kei, te ihu, ngā rauawa; ka oti ngā taumanu, te tauihu, te rapa me te kāraho, te puneke, te ihu, te utuutu-matua, te whakarei o te kei, ngā mea katoa mō te waka taua, ngā kōrewa, ngā tā wai, ngā hoe, ngā whiti, ngā tokotū, ngā huapae, ngā rā, ngā taura, ngā punga e rua, whakawhenua, ngā punga kōrewa, ngā toko waka, ngā hoe whakaara o te ihu, ngā hoe whakatere o te kei (JPS 1922:23). / The canoe was then adzed out, hewn with those adzes. The piece to lengthen the hull was hewn out, the stern, the bow, the topstrakes; finished were the thwarts, the prow piece, the stern attachment, the decking, the fore end, the utuutumatua, the carved work of the stern, and all things pertaining to a war canoe. These included the outriggers, the balers, the paddles, the crosspieces and masts, the fore and aft beams of the outrigger frame, the sails, the cordage, the two anchors, ground and sea, the punt poles, and the steering oars of the prow and stern.