1. (loan) (verb) (-tia) to crown.
He mea karauna ia ki te ture Atua, ki te ture kāwanatanga i whakaputaia mai nei, i roto i tōna whare wānanga Pāremata, i paiherea nei, e te iwi Ingarangi (TJ 4/1/1898:1). / She was crowned according to God’s law, and the law of government which issued forth from her Parliament, which was bound by the English people.
2. (loan) (noun) crown.
Ka nui tō mātou pai kia rongo, kua whakakorea te Komiti te mea atu ki a te Kāwana kia whakangeingei i te mea o te karauna, ki a Arikihanara Makitonore (TW 12/2/1875:9). / We are pleased to learn that the Executive have refused to recommend his Excellency the Governor to extend the clemency of the Crown to Alexander McDonald.