



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (noun) undergrowth, brushwood.

Kūpapa ana rātou, ā, whati haere ana ki roto ki te huru (TP 1/2/1902:4). / They stooped down and fled into the undergrowth.

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2. (noun) hair.

He tangata huru mangu, mau hurungutu mātotoru (TTR 1996:89). / He was a person with dark hair and a thick mostache.

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3. (noun) feather.

I hūtia ake e te tangata mangumangu he huru manu i taku pare (TTR 1990:101). / A black man plucked a feather from my hair.

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4. (noun) white dogskin cloak - made of whole skins sown together.

Ka rūpeke katoa a Waikato ki Hinga-kākā. Tae rawa mai aua iwi kua pākarukaru katoa ō rātou kākahu Māori; ngā kākahu papai, ngā kaitaka, ngā neko, ngā korowai, ngā tūtata, ngā tuputupu, ngā tōpuni, ngā huru, ngā kākahu onamata o ngā rangatira (White 5 1888:76). / Waikato all gathered at Hinga-kākā. When those tribes arrived their Māori garments were all falling apart; the good garments were kaitaka (flax fibre cloaks with tāniko ornamental borders), neko (flax fibre cloaks with tāniko ornamental borders along the bottom), korowai (cloaks ornamented with black twisted thrums), tūtata cloaks, tuputupu cloaks, tōpuni (dogskin cloaks of dark hair with white borders), huru (white dogskin cloaks), the traditional garments of chiefs.

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See also huru kurī

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