1. (personal noun) Taygeta - one of the stars in Te Kāhui o Matariki, the Pleiades star cluster. A star associated with food harvested from the sea.
E hono ana a Waitī rāua ko Waitā ki te kai me te wai; he tāne tētahi, he wahine tētahi. Ko te take kei runga ake a Waitī i a Waitā, he heke nō te wai māori ki te wai tai i ngā wā katoa, koirā te take kei ō rāua wāhi rāua e iri ana i te rangi (Matariki 2017:33). / Waitī (Maia) and Waitā (Taygeta) are associated with food and water; one is male and the other female. The reason that Waitī is situated above Waitā is because fresh water always flows down to salt water, that’s the reason for their positions in the sky.