mate pārūrū
1. (noun) filariasis - a disease common in the tropics, caused by filarial worms. It is transmitted by blood sucking flies and mosquitoes.
Nā Erihana anō i takoto ai te kaupapa whakakore i te ngārara nei, i te waeroa, inarā nāna i whakawātea rawa atu ngā kāinga i ngā wai whakaroau; nā te pērātanga kua kore haere te mate pārūrū e ahu mai rā i te timonga waeroa, i ōna momo rango anō hoki (TTR 1998:41). / Ellison also introduced a programme to eradicate mosquitoes by removing stagnant water from around homes; as a result it reduced the incidence of filariasis which was caused by the mosquito bite and other similar insects.